My Guest Post at More Than A Mount Full: Dublin Coddle & Soda Bread

Dublin Coddle

I am so thrilled to announce that today I have a guest post over at my friend Chef Dennis’ place, More Than A Mount Full!

If you have never visited his blog, prepare yourself for a great read and oh-so-yummy-good treats. It’s the one place where you either need your recipe book and a pen in front of you, or the printer next to you because you do not want to miss any of his delicious bites.

Please hop on over and join us for a lovely Irish meal that I prepared in honor of St. Patrick’s Day! I know – there’s not an ounce of Irish in me, but isn’t everyone Irish on St. Patrick’s Day? 🙂


Filed under Dinner A la Diethood, Home

27 responses to “My Guest Post at More Than A Mount Full: Dublin Coddle & Soda Bread

  1. Chef Dennis is a wonderful cook and this is a perfect example of his culinary talents… lovely dish!

  2. gingerbreadbagels

    I’m so excited to see that you did a guest post for Chef Dennis. 🙂 I’m going to check it out!

  3. Yay for you! Will be checking it out – I love Chef Dennis’ blog!

  4. Going there now 🙂 BTW that looks super yummy!

  5. Hi Kate
    thank you so much for such a wonderful guest post, I appreciate all the hard work you did to make this extra special!!
    Have a wonderful weekend my friend!

  6. Carole

    Hi, I discovered your blog via your guest post at Chef Dennis’s blog. Thanks for providing an Irish recipe I will prepare. I LOATHE corned beef and have not a pinch of Irish coursing through my veins.

    I’ve liked you on FB (wish you’d add Google Friend Connect as a way to follow you) so that I can be apprised of your future posts.

    Na zdravje!

  7. Kate,
    Great guest post with the Chef!

  8. Tes

    I’m hopping over there now 🙂

  9. HI! Popping over from Chef Dennis’s and wanted to say that this recipe looks wonderful! anne

  10. Congrats on the guest post! Heading over now!

  11. This is wonderful, two of our favorite bloggers together! Congrats on the guest post Kate!

  12. Another great post. Can you bring me the leftovers? ♥- Katrina

  13. That was a great post .. i read it in Chef Denise’s blog ! wonderful..

  14. Great guest post on Chef’s site. That bread is calling my name!

  15. How wonderful, it was a great post. I’d never heard of a coddle before, and I must make some soda bread very soon. I don’t know why I wait until St. Patrick’s Day to make it, it’s such a great bread.

    • I wait until Thanksgiving to roast an entire turkey – I don’t know why I do that because I love it and have no problem eating it for an entire week. And the same goes for Soda Bread…love its taste, but I wait until St. Pat’s to make it. 🙂

  16. Congrats on the guest post..I am going right now to check it out!

  17. Congrats on your guest post! I’ve never heard it referred to as a coddle but it looks every bit the satisfying Irish stew. I’m making the Irish Soda Bread I posted – don’t know why I always until March either. And, you’re right, we all have a bit o’ the Irish in us on St. Patty’s!

    • Thank you, Priscilla! I know it as ‘coddle’ because of my Uncle who is from Ireland, but when you look at the cooking method, it’s just another delicious stew. I could eat it this dish once a week without a doubt – it’s that good! 🙂

  18. What a great guest post! This sounds like a delicious meal:) When you get a chance, stop by and pick up a couple of awards at my blog:)

  19. Liz

    I loved your Irish themed guest post…great job, Kate 🙂

  20. I adore your posts and I always enjoy Chef Denis ones 🙂 so I’ll truely enjoy visit both of you 🙂 all at once!!! Going there to for your guest post…

  21. I was on my way there next and will check it out 🙂

  22. Great post on Chef Dennis’ blog and what a great Irish meal! It must have been fun researching for it. And the bread looked perfect!

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